So after getting through my first night, it was already time for rehab. The doctor had told my fiance to schedule my PT first thing in the morning so that I would have a spot. I was in shock that I was supposed to go so quickly, but at 11:30am, just 17 hours post-op, I was off and running. They removed all of the dressings and I got to see how it all looked. All things considered, it wasn't bad at all. The knee cap was very swollen and the stitching on the front of the knee was pretty ugly, but honestly it could've been a lot worse.
Here's a cleaned up version of what you can expect.
Could be worse, right? My thoughts exactly. So anyhow, they started me on range of motion activities immediately. I'm not going to lie, they suck. Bring tears to your eyes and wish you weren't going through this hell type of sucking. However, you can tell it's the first step towards getting back to normal again. I pushed myself to my limits, but refused to overdo it. The PTists really encouraged me but kept me from hurting myself. At the end, they gave me electrode-therapy and let me tell you, it was wonderful. After about an hour or so, I was on my way home again with a book of exercises to do at home and an at-home electrode-therapy machine (pretty cool, right?).
The rest of the day was spent on my couch, sleeping and watching movies. I could hardly move and had to keep taking pain meds. It was sort of a blur of a day, but all things considered it could have been worse.
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